I’m happy to offer my opinion about any concerns you may have—be it about health, contentment, and of course, living your value one choice at a time. #LiveYourValue

**Disclaimer** Information expressed by Dr. Huffman, through all social media outlets, Ask Dr. D, and during his lecture series, is opinion based only and not endorsed by any professional organizations. Please consult with your personal physical and mental health care providers before making any changes to your treatment regimen.

By submitting questions to Dr. Huffman I acknowledge and agree that:

1. Dr. Huffman will base his responses to my questions on the information that I provide and, in the absence of a face-to-face medical examination, Dr. Huffman may not be aware of certain facts that will limit or otherwise affect his answers.

2. Dr. Huffman does not intend his answers to my questions to replace a full and face-to-face medical evaluation by a physician.

3. Dr. Huffman is not my treating physician and does not assume any responsibility for my continuing medical care or treatment. My treating physician will remain responsible for my treatment.

4. Dr. Huffman makes no promise or warranty or guarantee about my condition or my diagnosis or anything else.

5. I completely and irrevocably release Dr. Huffman, his company, and its officers and employers from any liability for any of his acts or omissions in connection with his answers to my questions, or for any actions that I take or fail to act as a result of those answers, and Dr. Huffman, his company, and its officers and employees shall have no liability or responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the medical information I submit.

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