I get it. Sometimes the hardest person to care about, the hardest person to take care of, the hardest person to love—is ourselves. Unfortunately, not loving ourselves often results in poor choices. Choices that impact our health and contentment. So what do we do about that? How do we fix it?

We Learn to Practice Self-Value

Self-value is something that many of us are NOT taught. And it’s NOT something that we often reflect on. Self-value isn’t even something we’re all comfortable talking about. But in order to improve our self-value and take care of ourselves the way we need to, then there’s no getting around it. We have to learn about, reflect on, and be willing to talk about self-value.

Why Does Self-Value Matter? 

It’s our self-value that drives our choices, and it’s our choices that affect our health and contentment. Always keep this in your daily thoughts: The more I value something, the better I treat it. This goes for me as well. How well I treat myself will be reflected through the choices I make.

Being physically ‘healthy’ and ‘content’ is impossible without developing, having, and maintaining a strong self-value. Trust me—I’ve lived it. And I know for a fact that when my self-value was at it’s lowest, I was physically unhealthy and truly discontent. It wasn’t until I started to value myself again that those things improved. But how do you improve your self-value? Where do you begin?

First, you need to learn what low self-value looks like. I created an acronym for the characteristics of people with a low self-value. If you have any of them, please know you’re not alone. It might not be pleasant, but recognizing low self-value is the first step to improving. So take a look at these points and ask yourself if any of them apply to you.

If I’m Struggling with #LiveYourValue, Am I . . .

I = Indecisive (Am I dependent on others making choices for me?)

A= Absolute (Am I using words like ‘always’ or ‘never’?)
M=Mistrusting (Do I question those who treat me well?)

S=Self-critical (Am I doing a lot of negative self-talk?)
H=Hypersensitive (Am I sensitive to others’ criticism of me?)
A=Afraid (Am I afraid to take risks in getting what I want?)
P= Seeking Perfection (Am I frustrated if things aren’t exactly the way I want?)
E=Envious (Am I wishing I was more like someone else?)
N=Creating Enemies (Do I take it personally when others voice disapproval?)

U=Ungrateful (Am I being ungrateful with what I have?)
P=Pessimistic (Is my cup always half empty?)

I know—hard things to admit. But it’s only through self-honesty that we can move to a better place, a healthier place, both emotionally and physically. It’s like I always say: If we want to be physically healthier, it has to start with our head.

So go through these questions. Reflect and answer honestly. And then start brainstorming ways you can move from a low self-value mindset to one of high self-value. For instance, if you admit that you’re self-critical and find yourself constantly doing a lot of negative self-talk, then the next time you catch yourself doing it, stop and take a breath. Remind yourself that you have value! You matter. Then try to put a positive spin on the situation. Maybe you can find a constructive way to reframe things. Or maybe you just need to remind yourself that no one is perfect. But no matter what, treat yourself a someone you love, someone with value.

Reframing our mindsets and learning to live our value can take some time. So don’t expect your life to change over night. But the more you push yourself to recognize your value, the sooner it will become a habit. And before you know, you’ll be living your value.

So go ahead. Take the plunge and make today the day you create a new you—a you that focuses every day on #LiveYourValue.



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